Monday, July 25, 2011

Alaska Adventure...

The honeymooners made it back safe and sound Saturday evening from our wonderful Alaska cruise! If you have not been on a cruise, we would highly recommend trying one. It is the most relaxing way to travel, everything is taken care of, they treat you like royalty..basically. We don't want to travel any other way again.

While thinking of Alaska, I'm sure the picture that come to your mind is like 1,000 feet of snow and polar bears running around everywhere...Ok, maybe not to that extent, but you get the idea. Well it wasn't anything like that, sadly (about the polar bear part). It was certainly beautiful, AMAZINGLY beautiful! I have pictures, don't worry. I just have misplaced my camera for the time being. Anyway, it was awesome. Our first port of call was Juneau, Alaska. Which is a cool like town. Their capital building weirded me out a little bit. Our second port of call was Skagway, Alaska. Weird names, huh? This was another little cool town, with wood board sidewalks. Reminded me of like Dr. Quinn times or something. Then our third port of call was Ketchikan, Alaska. This town was a bit bigger and probably my favorite, not because it was bigger, but it was so beautiful. We got to see an awesome sunset..even though it didn't happen till after 10pm! and the sunrise was before 4am...It was crazy! Alright, and for our last port of call it was Victoria, BC, Canada. We left the country for like a whole 4 hours! Wow! haha. It was great. I can check Alaska off the places I've visited, woohoo. I'll work on finding the camera and getting pictures up ASAP!

I guess I should also add that right before we left on July 14th we had our 2nd reception! It was awesome to see more friends and family! There were quite a few that came that I had not seen in YEARS! It was awesome! I love you all :)

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