Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Once Every....

I guess I should start out with a...
Happy Leap Day!
I mean, this only happens ONCE every four years.
February just flew by.
Being a shorter month doesn't help any.
Anyway, I will definitely welcome in March with an open mind.
Plus, we are one month closer to my birthday.
I told husband a couple days ago that there are only 3 months until my birthday and he rolled his eyes. Probably because he didn't realize we were that close to my birthday countdown.

Anyway, speaking of things happening ONCE every four years.
Can I just say...
GO Mitt Romney! I'm so proud of him for taking Michigan and Arizona!
Don't worry I'm not going to go off on all this political
but I will say that I am not voting for Mitt just because he is LDS.
He really knows what he is doing and he is business man. He knows what this country needs to get back on track. I mean compare his plans and reasons for running against the others.
Plus, voting or not voting for him just because of his religion is just as stupid as whoever voted for Obama because he is black. Look how well that has worked out for us.
I wish we could just hear the reason the candidates are running for President and their plans to change and turn this country around without seeing them and their skin color or knowing their religion. All you can hear is their words. Then I think people could actually vote for what we need.
Ok..I'm done..for now!
Go Mitt.

Since Easter is on it's way, do you know what that means?
It means Cadbury brings out their mini eggs!
You know those yummy little chocolate morsels with the little hard shell over them?
They only come out ONCE a year and it's at Easter.
I was informed that they come out at Christmas time now!
Anyway, I love them.

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