Friday, November 18, 2011

Grinch Fix

I'm so excited for Thanksgiving.
I'm really excited to eat all that yummy food.
Thanksgiving is less than a week away and I have no idea where November has gone.
It has just flown by. Which is kind of sad.
I hope this whole holiday season doesn't just fly by, but we are one day closer to Temple Square lights!! I'm really excited for those.

This week has been pretty normal. Work, work and more work.
EXCEPT! Husband bought me The Grinch, because mine is at my parents. Isn't that so nice. I could watch that movie all day. No joke ask Husband.
Jim Carrey is a genius in his role as the Grinch.
I could probably say that is my favorite movie or at least in the top 3.
Since I can only watch it 2 months out of the year, I watch it as much as I possibly can and as much as husband will possibly let me.
Yesterday before leaving to work he said, "Babe, don't ware out the Grinch dvd, I want to watch it too."
haha...I might like it THAT much.

Last night, we watched it as well as Christmas Vacation with Chevvy Chase.
Husband had never seen it before so it was fun to watch that with him, it's pretty funny.

This weekend we are heading to Logan to go to Husband's last companion in the missions homecoming as well as hanging out with his trainer from his mission (Elder Jones) recognize that name? Yep thats right it is the same one that was with Husband when I met him in Australia.

Well, thats basically all for now.
I have to get my Grinch fix for the day..

Happy Weekend!! 

1 comment:

  1. You're so funny! I think I've only seen that version of the Grinch like one time...I need to watch it again.
    Hope you have a good Thanksgiving!
