Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Holiday Happenings.

It is the day before Christmas and i have not updated this thing since we found out what we were having!
That is not good!
I do not have a lot of picture of really anything that has been going on.
We have been re-doing our kitchen with my mom!
it is looking so good I am so excited to show it!
There has not been much remodeling as in ripping things out, mostly just painting and adding a few things.
It is almost complete.
I also got new decorations for my Christmas tree this year!
It is Grinch themed!
I love the Grinch.
Which i have been watching plenty of this Holiday season!
Sako also loved the stuffed Grinchs that i put on the tree that he knocked it over!
that was not fun!
It was one HUGE mess!
If anyone is interested...
I am just over 20 weeks and feeling good!
I feel as though i cant complain.
I have heard horror stories about pregnancies with morning sickness and things and I am SO thankful that none of that happened to me.
Baby Z has made his appearance!
and we can feel him move! so precious!
My parents also had their 33rd wedding anniversary on the 19th of December!
It was a bittersweet day for me and i am sure the rest of my family, especially my cute mommy!
its bitter because my dad is not here, but so sweet that we can still celebrate their marriage!
They have been sealed for all time and eternity and that is very sweet!
I am so glad that their marriage did not end the day my dad passed away.
This has been a very different Christmas and Holiday season without him around.
I was having an emotional day a couple weeks ago and sweet Husband turned on Mickey Mouses Christmas for us to watch, cute huh?
How can that not cheer someone up?
But when Donald Duck came on I just bawled my little eyes out...
My dad use to do his voice so good.
All growing up to make me smile or laugh he would do that voice.
So i must say being pregnant and missing my dad is not a good combination a lot of the time.
Brighter note.
I have a couple pictures.
If i can get them to upload.
Just my tree and when it got knocked over.