Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Holiday Happenings.

It is the day before Christmas and i have not updated this thing since we found out what we were having!
That is not good!
I do not have a lot of picture of really anything that has been going on.
We have been re-doing our kitchen with my mom!
it is looking so good I am so excited to show it!
There has not been much remodeling as in ripping things out, mostly just painting and adding a few things.
It is almost complete.
I also got new decorations for my Christmas tree this year!
It is Grinch themed!
I love the Grinch.
Which i have been watching plenty of this Holiday season!
Sako also loved the stuffed Grinchs that i put on the tree that he knocked it over!
that was not fun!
It was one HUGE mess!
If anyone is interested...
I am just over 20 weeks and feeling good!
I feel as though i cant complain.
I have heard horror stories about pregnancies with morning sickness and things and I am SO thankful that none of that happened to me.
Baby Z has made his appearance!
and we can feel him move! so precious!
My parents also had their 33rd wedding anniversary on the 19th of December!
It was a bittersweet day for me and i am sure the rest of my family, especially my cute mommy!
its bitter because my dad is not here, but so sweet that we can still celebrate their marriage!
They have been sealed for all time and eternity and that is very sweet!
I am so glad that their marriage did not end the day my dad passed away.
This has been a very different Christmas and Holiday season without him around.
I was having an emotional day a couple weeks ago and sweet Husband turned on Mickey Mouses Christmas for us to watch, cute huh?
How can that not cheer someone up?
But when Donald Duck came on I just bawled my little eyes out...
My dad use to do his voice so good.
All growing up to make me smile or laugh he would do that voice.
So i must say being pregnant and missing my dad is not a good combination a lot of the time.
Brighter note.
I have a couple pictures.
If i can get them to upload.
Just my tree and when it got knocked over.

Monday, November 25, 2013

We're Having A ...


That's right folks.
I am going to be out numbered!
But I am ok with it!
Just like my dad having all of his girls...dogs included.
I will have my boys!
We are so excited!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Disneyland & Temples.

I feel like I just get worse at this whole blog thing.
Well, I hope you all enjoyed my previous, very brief post.
Precious, right?

I can't believe it is basically the middle of November.
And I don't have much to say...
Other than I am super excited for Thanksgiving!
I have SO much to be thankful for, but I think that deserves its own post a little bit later.

October 24-27 Husband and I... And ALL of his family.
Immediate family that is.
There were 13 of us and we all flew there and back together without a problem.
Crazy, I know.
With the current situation my body is in I couldn't go on any of the super fast and twirly roller coasters or any of the bumpy, crazy rides.
So husband and I only did one day of Disneyland with the family and the next day we rent a car (dodge charger) and went Temple hoping.
Husband has all the amazing pictures on his phone. Sorry.
But we saw...
Newport Beach Temple
San Diego Temple
Redlands Temple

They were all pretty great.
Our favorite was Newport Beach Temple.
It was like a sand castle!
It was awesome.

Well, see ya.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

One + One.


I guess sometimes that's how math works.

Get it?


Friday, October 11, 2013

Now It's October.

Oh my Helen Keller.
It has been far too long since I have written or even seen my blog.
I use to be good at this.
Now that my dad doesn't read it, I'm not sure how much use there is for it.
But I do know it will be good to have and look back at.

I feel like a lot has happened in the last month, but at the same time there really hasn't. 
Husband and I are just busy. 

The first week of August my family ( my mommy dearest, sister, brother in law, niece, husband and I.) went to Minnesota.
That is where my mommy dearest is from and all of here siblings and parents are there... Well, most of them.
We went to watch my cousin play against the twins, but he ended up getting surgery and not playing, but we still went to the baseball game and had a blast.
Plus, we were matching.
I told Husband he better get use to that.
We stayed at the Embassy Suits!
It's like a tradition whenever we go to Minnesota.
We got to see my grandma and grandpa and a few cousins!
We went on a tour of the twin cities, which was pretty cool.
They have some beautiful Cathedrals.
I think Husbands favorite part of the tour was seeing the birth place of the Lakers.
Who are now in L.A. 
We also went to the dome and the St. Paul temple!
Oh! We also went to the Mall Of America.
It's super fun even though I hate shopping.
I do like the theme park in the middle of it!
It was super fun and good to get out of Utah.

Just a couple weeks ago Husband got to go to a Denver Broncos game and sit in box seats.
So I guess that was pretty cool for him.
His life seems a lot more exciting than mine.

I can't believe it is October!
I got to put up my super cute Halloween wreath my mom made and the fall colors are awesome in the canyon and on the mountains.
At least in fairview.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Birthday Mom.

This post is dedicated to my Mommy Dearest!
Today, is my moms birthday!
I know she is probably not excited.
I just want her and anyone who reads this blog to know that I absolutely adore my mother.
She is the BEST mom.
She has done so many amazing and cool things in her life.
Including giving birth to me.
Ok, but seriously.
My mom kicked butt in not just running, but running marathons!
And hurdles and probably a bunch of other stuff.
Olympic trials TWICE.
Being one of the women to hold winning the Deseret News Marathon the most times.
RUNNING 6 miles on the day my sister was born as well as me.
I was born in 12 minutes.
Probably could have been less, but I had a huge head.
She has a masters degree.
And gave all of her free time to Marissa and I.
She loved to watch us dance.
She likes to dance as well.
I have taught her some Beyonce moves and she can do a headstand.
Oh, and she likes to do toe touches.
And make costumes.
Decorate houses.
If you are in need of some interior decorating, she is the one to call.
There are so many wonderful things about my mom.
These are just a select few.
She always has had so much strength ( physically and emotionally).
She has a BIG heart with a lot of love.
I know this year has been super hard for our family, especially for her.
But, we are getting through.
Slowly, but surely.
My dad is still with us.
I know he is with my mom today.
He NEVER misses a birthday.

Happy Birthday, Mommy Dearest!
I love you with all my heart!

Your little Desiloo.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Well, if you have forgotten we got a puppy back in April.
Technically he is still a puppy, but you probably wouldn't guess that by looking at him.
If you see him run or jump you might be able to tell.
He is still uncoordinated.
It's quite entertaining.
Anyway, he is growing.
He loves to play, dig, and fart.
We still love him.
He is a good boy...usually.
He is getting so smart.
Almost too smart.
I am going to post pictures from when he was 6 weeks all the way up to his 5 month mark...and you all can see for yourself.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Sanpete Way.

Besides Husband growing up in Fairview, we have lived year almost a year. 
About 2 months shy, to be exact.
Can I just say that the holidays in July are taken seriously down here.
They are a BIG deal.
People from all over even out of state come to our celebrations and festivities.
They start the day out with big, loud sirens and fire trucks and cannons.
They have all sorts of parades and a whole bunch of different rodeos.
The rodeos do occur on different nights, through out the week.
They have car shows and raffles and live concerts.
I actually had to work the morning of the 24 th, but I made it to the smash car derby.
Which brings around Sanpetes finest.
When I say finest I mean the MOST redneck you can get.
I am sad I didn't get a picture of some of these people.
It is quite entertaining.
If you are ever in Sanpete for the July holidays...stop on in.
You won't regret some of the things you witness.

Also, living down here you run out of places to go on a date.
But you can always count on the single screen Drive in movie theater.
Not quite like Salt lake, but it will do right?
Husband and I went there Monday night.
Kind of like a date/ FHE.
We got ice cream slushies that are super yummy!
And nachos!
The movie for the night was Despicable Me 2! 
It was so cute and funny!